
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Lessons from the Sacred Grove

This Sunday's lesson was given by Melany Lingam and she did a fantastic job! It was based on the article from the December Ensign called "Lessons From the Sacred Grove."

During the lesson, we related 4 lessons learned from trees to our own personal spiritual experiences. The 4 lessons were:

  1. Trees always grow towards the light (people grow towards spiritual light)
  2. Trees require opposition to become stronger (we require opposition to grow stronger too)
  3. Trees grow best in forests (surround yourself with people who will help you grow)
  4. Trees draw strength from nutrients provided by trees before them (you can draw strength and guidance from advice and traditions passed down from older family members, mentors, and friends)
Trees always grow towards the light: We talked about how the spirit of Christ gives off spiritual light, and when you have sinned or even if you are suffering from a mental illness such as depression, you feel like you are in a spiritually dark place. 

The key is to rely on Jesus Christ to help you move forward when you feel like you can't carry on by yourself any more. When you have sinned, repent and sin no more. Christ will lift that burden of guilt off your shoulders and fill the darkness in your life with light. If you are depressed, lean on Him and even if the depression doesn't go away, you will hopefully feel His presence and know that He is right there with you. Because of the atonement, He knows exactly what you are going through.

Trees require opposition to become stronger: This is one of my favorite things. Weird to say, I know, but let me explain. I love the perspective that comes from thinking this way during a hard trial. Instead of being bitter towards the Lord and asking "why would you do this to me??" It makes me think "what do I need to learn from this experience?" and it makes me wonder what experiences I will have in the future where I will need to draw from the added inner strength that comes from going through a trial. 

Jeff and I actually tried for almost 2 years before getting pregnant (I know this is not long at all for some of you, but it seemed like forever to me - my heart goes out to those of you who are struggling with infertility, it's hard). I am grateful now that it took so long because I don't think I would have been fully mentally prepared if we would have gotten pregnant any earlier, and the timing is going to work out perfectly with Jeff's graduation. It was really hard but the experience taught me to just trust in God's timing. Even if we ended up adopting instead of having our own child, it would have been for the best because God knows exactly what experiences we need, and what things will make us most happy.

Plus, now when our baby is crying at 3 AM or when she poops her pants just before we head out the door, I will be less likely to get frustrated because I will always remember what a miracle she is and how blessed I am to have her.

Trees grow best in forests: Families, visiting teaching, church wards and stakes, groups of friends. We all have support groups that help us make it through life. If you feel lonely at church, stop waiting for someone to talk to you and go talk to someone else who looks lonely! I'm sure they will appreciate it and you both will not be lonely any more.

Trees draw strength from nutrients provided by trees before them: Parents can help their children grow. We as young adults should be listening to the words of our own parents, as well as prophets and apostles. Another great way to learn from those who have come before us is to read the scriptures.

Anyways, have a great week everyone!

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