
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Improving Personal Study

Shelly Myers gave the Relief Society lesson today, I always love Shelly's lessons! We talked about how this year we are going to be learning more about President Ezra Taft Benson, and then spent a big chunk of the lesson talking about ways we can improve our personal scripture study habits.

Here are a few of the ways we came up with:
  1. Mark your scriptures up
  2. Use a study/spiritual promptings journal
  3. Do personal prayer
  4. Pray before and after studying your scriptures
  5. Pray to know an answer to a question before studying
  6. Study with a question in mind
  7. Look up the meaning of things in the Bible Dictionary
  8. Write in the margins of scriptures
  9. Discuss what was read after family scripture study
  10. Memorize scriptures
I realized during the lesson that I need to use the paper copy of my scriptures more. I have all these notes in the margins that supplement my reading and it is just not the same on a tablet. Plus with the paper copy I can add more notes and continually build a little treasure trove of spiritual knowledge. Yay for new year's resolutions!

Anyways, feel free to add your thoughts on the lesson in the comments! I know there are some things I missed, it was a great lesson though.


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