
Monday, March 31, 2014

Provident Living

Here are some quick notes from the combined 3rd hour lesson on Sunday. We learned some great things and it was a good reminder to get your 72 hour kits together if you haven't already (Jeff and I still need to do ours!). Thanks to Ali Chezik for taking these notes for us!


Emergency Preparedness- 72 Hour Kits

  • What is a 72 hour kit?
    • A collection of basic household items your household may need in case of an emergency
  • Reasons for a 72 hour kit (examples):
    • E. Coli outbreak in water supply in Lindon
    • Apartment caught on fire
    • Ice storms & tornadoes in Midwest
    • Recent Ice Storm in Texas, causing everyone to be stuck in their homes
    • Seattle: Earthquakes, Mudslide, Tsunamis
  • Factors to consider when building a 72 hour kit:
    • Make sure the food you include you will actually eat
    • Medical issues requiring medicine or special supplies (such as diabetes)
    • Your environment and likely environmental disasters
    • Family composition (special needs for babies, children, elderly)
  • 72 hour kits need to be made individually for each member of your family
    • Store in backpacks for easy removal and transporting
  • Update kits regularly
    • Update every 6 months
    • Tip: Always update around General Conference
    • Rotate food before expiration dates
    • Rotate clothes for appropriate season
    • Replace clothing for children to reflect current size
  • Spiritual preparedness
    • Scriptures
    • Patriarchal blessing
    • Consecrated oil
  • Water
    • Water filter
    • Water storage drums
    • water bottles with filters
    • Store 2 liter soda bottles filled with water in each room
  • Food Storage
    • Idea: Sacrifice 1-2 tax returns to build food storage

Provident Living Components

  • Enjoying the present while providing for the future
    • 2 Nephi Chapter 5 vs 9-17
  • Physical Health- Why is it important?
    • What we do now will affect us later on
    • We never know what will be required of us in future
    • Lower medical costs
    • Affects our ability to act both in emergencies and day-to-day
    • Our bodies are temples
  • Physical Health- What does that include?
    • Exercise
    • Eat well
    • Quality sleep (minimum of 6 hours)
    • Keep surroundings clean
    • Adequate medical care & health insurance
    • cultivate good relationships with family and friends
  • Resource Management- What is it?
    • Resource Management = Money Management
  • Resource Management- what does it include?
    • Budgets/ Financial planning
    • Emergency fund
    • Time management
    • Education

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Creating a Christ Centered Home

This Sunday our lesson came from the Relief Society manual on Joseph Fielding Smith, chapter 4. 

We had a great discussion about families. Ironically enough, I had been contemplating this subject the week before. I was somewhat worn down, thinking of all the trials my children will have to face in the continually degrading world. I was weighed down with the realization that the constant pressure to accept immoral practices as if they were moral has overcome much of the population.  "How am I going to help my children remember true happiness comes through God's way?" These words repeatedly ran through my head. 

I'd gone to visit my family in my safe and comfortable home where I'd grown up. My mom and sister wanted to go to the store, so I tagged along. We were driving and having a simple conversation, when the topic that had been weighing on my mind was brought up. I asked my mom if the change I was noticing in our little mostly-LDS hometown was because I was older and more aware or because I was no longer in the safe high school bubble living at home? She simply responded, "Yes." I sat quiet for a moment. Then, my mom said something that re-shaped my perspective, "You didn't notice as much before because you were living at home. ***You create the environment your children will know.***" Wow! Truth? Yes! Something I'd always known, but for some reason, it hit me in that moment. I realized to a deeper extent than ever before, that I have the ability, along side my Heavenly Father, the Savior, and my willing husband, to create an environment that welcomes the Spirit. My influence, as a woman, is strong here. Stronger than any negative outside force. With God on my side, the house becomes a home. A home for my children. A home where The Spirit can teach and be heard. I have the ability to form this environment as a woman. I have been given this sacred stewardship to raise children in righteousness, in a righteous home (when the time will come). How can women not find this empowering? I am so incredibly grateful for the chance I have to build the most important unit of any perspective- the family. After my mom made this life changing comment, my wise little sister, a first-time mother of just 2 months, reminded me, "The future is as bright as your faith! Remember that quote by Pres. Monson?" Yes. Have faith, sisters! The future of your family and your own children is as bright as the faith and experiences you try your best to provide in the walls of your own home. A wonderful thing to remember, as well, is these precious children are God's children, too. He is watching out for them in all the ways we feel we can't. I find that comforting, maybe you will, too. But, in our weakness we can find strength (Ether 12:27). Trust in Him, follow the Spirit. You're a daughter of God. You were meant to do this!
In our efforts to create a Christ centered home it is of utmost importance to remember the balance that is had in supporting and sustaining your husband. And vice versa. We have different roles to fulfill. Marriage is a partnership. Not one above the other, and not one below the other. The best way to progress is to build, rather than tear down. This is true of any situation. It is important, then, to support and sustain our husbands. I loved the definition our teacher gave of "sustaining", I'm going to paraphrase: "Sustaining: To do your best part to help a person fulfill their role." We would benfit to not be afraid to sustain our husbands. We sustain the prophet. He is God's mouthpiece. And our husbands are our family's patriarch's, just as someone needs to be the matriarch. I like to think of a business. In a well run business everyone has a role to fulfill. People are put into positions that best suit their abilties and natural skills. When everyone fills their role to their best ability, the business runs smoothly and the workers are satisfied. There are times where some people have to fill bits and pieces of the roles of others for a period to keep the business afloat, because a worker may be sick, or not present. If the fill-in worker were to do this for a long time, while also attempting to fulfil their main role, they would become tired, weak, and even depressed. Then, both the roles in the company would suffer. Unfortunately, this can happen to a worker no matter how noble their efforts may be. But, when the ill or missing worker returns, and they fulfill their role, the business is back at its peak. The business can then move forward and upward.  

So, like last week for me, days of doubt may come. But "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith!" -Pres. Uchtdorf. With faith in God's eternal and unchanging truths, the future of your family will be as bright as your faith! 

I know Heavenly Father hears our prayers. Don't hesitate to go to Him! He loves you. Yes, I know this. Jesus Christ is our Savior. His love is infinite, as is His atonement. He lives. His atonement is a real power. We need it daily to strengthen us. I know families can be together forever. I'm so thankful for this. I bear a humble witness by the Holy Ghost that these things are true. If you aren't sure, pray, and keep praying. You will know someday. That's a promise of experience. Love you sisters! 
Elise Gardner 
Remember to pray for the missionaries. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Teaching with the Spirit

Deanna gave a great lesson today, it was based on the talk by David M. McConkie called "Teaching with the Power and Authority of God." We discussed how a teacher needs to be prepared to teach a lesson, and the students need to be willing to learn. When a teacher is fully prepared to teach, then they need to be willing to let go of the prepared lesson in order to follow the promptings of the spirit. I always found that part of teaching to be one of the hardest things to do, and you need to be spiritually prepared (keeping the commandments, reading daily scriptures, etc) in order to even have that experience. But when it happens, and you are able to use your lesson plan more as a guideline and less as a rigorous schedule, then you are able to speak to the hearts of individuals through the promptings of the Spirit, and those going to church seeking comfort or answers to questions are reassured that God is aware of them and everything they are going through.

This can also be applied to any other kind of teaching, especially (I would imagine) teaching in parenthood. Teaching children is one of the most important things we can do in this life, and it is so awesome to know that we don't have to do it alone because we can have the power of God on our side. If we are prepared, we will know what to say in any situation! I bet that would come in handy when we all have teenagers someday.

I am so glad I am a member of this church, and I hope I can get better at reading my scriptures daily, so that I can be prepared at all hours of the day, to teach on demand, and to have a good understanding of the gospel to draw on when times are hard.

Feel free to comment below if you have anything else to add. Hope you all have a great week, and see you next Sunday!


Free printable! From LDS Printables

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Families are Forever

This weekend was Stake Conference! It seemed like the main theme of the whole thing was missionary work, but I just couldn't stop thinking about how wonderful it is that our families will be together forever. The speakers kept mentioning that when all is said and done, and we are no longer on the Earth, the thing that will matter most is the relationships we have developed and the covenants we have kept. It was a good reminder that the things that seem most important now (work, education, accumulating shiny things) are definitely not what matters most, and pale in comparison to the true importance of maintaining good relationships with our spouse, children, parents, siblings, other family members, and friends.

We were counseled to have open and honest communication with our spouses, to go over the little things that might bug us (like where to put the bananas), and to come to an agreement on those little things that don't really matter.

Another tiny theme I noticed is recognizing the Lord's signature in our lives. I love this so much. He really is a part of everything, and it is nice to go to the temple to feel especially close to him.  :)

Love you girls!