
Sunday, September 28, 2014

What Are You Thinking?

This week's Relief Society lesson was given by Shelly, and she did a fantastic job. It was based on the talk by Elder W. Craig Zwick called "What Are You Thinking?

We mostly focused on the scripture that Elder Zwick cited in his talk from Paul: “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but [only] that which is good [and] edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers” (Ephesians 4:29).

I think most often corrupt communication comes out of our mouths around those who we love the most (our husbands, parents, siblings, children...), because they are around us most often and we aren't necessarily trying to make a good impression on them all the time. However our lives would be so much better, and our homes more peaceful if we tried to speak (especially to those we love the most) with integrity, empathy, and without being too quick to anger.

Shelly came up with an awesome list of 10 things to help us communicate better with each other:

  1. Pray to have God's love
  2. Learn to control your tongue
  3. Reason together
  4. Break the cycle (of arguing the same things over and over)
  5. Speak softly and calmly
  6. Develop compassion
  7. Seek first to understand
  8. Be kind over being right
  9. Search for truth in other opinions
  10. Breathe before speaking
I especially like number three because that is the main way my husband and I solve most of our problems. Neither of us ever really have much of a temper but we do occasionally get frustrated with each other. Rather than avoiding the problem, it helps us to come together and objectively talk about the situation until we figure out a solution that works for both of us. Open, honest communication is so important and it has really helped us to draw closer together as a couple.

Looking at the list again, all of those points are important in their own way. Which ones have you tried that have worked in your marriage or communication with others?

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Ministering in Love

Last Sunday's Relief Society lesson was taught by Ashley Bell and she did a fantastic job. We discussed ways that we can serve others, and ways that we can nurture each other when we visit (like during visiting teaching).

It was a timely lesson because pretty much our whole ward is new and we talked about how the best way to make friends is by being a friend. It is easy to focus on ourselves and our own needs when we are feeling lonely or left out. One of the best ways to cure that lonely feeling is to just go sit by someone else who looks lonely and then you are both not lonely any more! Ta-daa!

One of the biggest things I got out of the lesson is that we are the answer to one another's prayers. I love this thought so much. There have been so many times when I have been feeling down and someone drops by my house with cookies, or when doing my visiting teaching seemed to lift my spirits just as much as it lifted the sister I was visiting. I am so grateful for the prayers of friends meant to benefit me, and it is amazing when I can see that the prayers I have offered on behalf of someone else are answered. I am grateful for this restored gospel and I love our savior Jesus Christ so much. Tiny miracles truly do happen every day.

Also, I'm excited to get to know everyone in the ward more! This is looking like it is going to be a fun year.

