
Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Birth of Jesus Christ

Alright, I've been slacking on this since our Relief Society has been split in to RS 1 and RS 2. It felt weird to summarize one lesson and not the other. Gonna have to figure that one out!

We were combined today though, because a lot of people are out of town. So that makes it easy.

Esther gave a great lesson that was centered on the birth of Jesus Christ. We spent a good amount of discussion time talking about the significance of the angels announcing Christ's birth first to the shepherds who were in the field. I'm gonna make a list of some of the points that were made because lists are great.

  1. One of the titles by which Jesus Christ is known is "The Great Shepherd," so it is interesting that the angels appeared first to the shepherds.
  2. The shepherds were humble people who found joy in the work they did, and weren't necessarily looking for any kind of personal gain or reward. They were grateful when they received this great blessing and they recognized the importance of the babe lying in the manger. They dropped what they were doing and rushed to meet him.
  3. They left their flock to go find the one. This is symbolic of what Christ did and taught throughout his life.
I love the Lord and I love this Christmas season, along with the reminder it brings to be grateful and to share Christ's love with others. Feel free to add your own comments about the lesson below and I hope you all have a merry Christmas!


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