
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Behold the Handmaid of the Lord

Lacee gave a wonderful lesson today on Mary, the mother of Jesus. A lot of the lesson was centered around the scripture found in Luke 1:38 "And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her."

Mary had just had an angel appear to her and tell her that she was going to have a baby, and that her baby would be the savior, Jesus. Instead of being troubled and wondering what her community would think of her (because she was only engaged but not yet married to Joseph), she simply asked "How?" and after the angel explained it, she relied on her faith in God and accepted what was going to happen.

This story is a good example to me of how I should be trusting what God has in store for me. I should do what I can to figure things out, and then have the faith that everything is going to be okay in the end. The "twenty-somethings" are difficult years of life. They're hard because we are figuring out what we want to study, where we want to work, when to start a family, and where to go after we graduate. I know that if we do everything in our power to figure things out, that the Lord will help us know what to do through promptings that come from the Holy Ghost. I have seen this happen many times in my own life, and I'm sure it will keep on happening as long as I remain worthy of the Spirit.  :)

At the end of the lesson we all wrote down a gift that we want to give to the Savior this Christmas season. It could be something like serving others, spending more time reading the scriptures, going to the temple more often, etc. Make sure you remember to give your own gift to the Savior if you weren't there to think about it in Relief Society today. It's a great way to focus more on the Savior during this holiday season.

Hope you all have a great Sunday!


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