
Friday, August 30, 2013

Things that matter most

HI ladies!

This week I asked our teacher Deanna Jeffrey to share some of her thoughts about the lesson she gave. I noticed that it talks about the things that matter most in life: God, our covenants, and our loved ones. 

"I had several impressions while preparing for this lesson. One of the first impressions I had was the realization of the magnitude of the priesthood power. I had never thought about it in depth before, but God has literally given us some of his power on this earth. What a marvelous blessing to ponder! The same power he used to create the heavens and the earth, is the same power he has allotted to his children. It is such a privilege to literally have God's power on earth and when you recognize that the priesthood is literally given for the salvation of souls you can't help but feel such a sacred feeling and love for the priesthood.
One of the other impressions I had while preparing this talk is the importance of our influence as women in our homes and in our marriages. We have such an influence for good in the lives of our children and in helping our husbands see who they are meant to be. With the world beating us down, how wonderful it is for husbands and children to have faithful Latter Day Saint women who focus on what really matters, and who lift and encourage their families.

One of the other aspects that came to my mind, is to be sure to not unintentionally neglect our own testimonies and others around us. It is so easy for us to become distracted, and focused on the things that don't matter most.However, when we realize the power we have to affect generations, it helps put things back into perspective and helps one to not neglect the things that matter the most."

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