
Sunday, July 21, 2013

With God All Things Are Possible

Today our lesson was out of our manual Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Lorenzo Snow. Here's the link to the lesson.

We jotted down all the comments we could made from sisters as we discussed this lesson:

--Fear can keep us from relying on him. 

--It is hard to give up control because we like to be in charge. The Lord may make different plans for you. He knows you better than you know yourself.

--People who don't have faith will worry. Someone who does trust in the Lord says, "what can I do, what can I learn from the situation." They stay positive. 

--When people who believe are faced with a trial and overcome it, they are humble. They don't brag about what they came over, they are thankful to God. 

--Children are angry when you take dangerous toys away from them because they have no vision. We cry unnecessarily in a similar way because we may not have enough faith. We make it harder on ourselves than He would want it. 

--When we worry we are not having faith in God. Think about how he feels when we are not confident in his plan. 
I am convinced that none can appreciate how it makes him feel when we do not have confidence in him.
Remember he is our father and knows what's best. 

--Feeling like a perfectionist and need to do everything right. Instead of having faith that God will make it right. 

--It can be overwhelming how much needs to be done. Needed to realize that it will be okay. Keep things in perspective. 

--We all struggle with wanting to do the right thing all the time and feeling horrible when we do something wrong. Need to remember we are works in progress and not be so hard on ourselves. 

--Looking back you can see how he is guiding us and that can help us to have faith. 

--Avoid unnecessary stress by relying on him. 

--If you are doing what you think is right, with our intent, it will be okay. He'll let you make choices and maybe go down the wrong path, but he won't let you go very far. 

--Trials will come and he lets us go through them because he loves us. We can't grow without getting through hard things. 

--Satan wants us to compare ourselves with others instead of focusing on what we have and should be grateful for. Realize where our real priorities are. 

I hope that these thoughts got you thinking more about the Lord and where you are at in your life and how you can get where you'd like to be. If you weren't in relief Society last week, please come next week if you are able - there's no true substitute for the inspiration and spirit found in our Relief Society Sunday gatherings. 

Thanks for reading and feel free to comment!

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