
Sunday, June 9, 2013

New RS Presidency and Relief Society Moto

Today we had the privledge to hear from our new Relief Society Presidency. They are sister Lacee Jiminez, President, with sisters Shelly Butler and Liza Blank as counselors and sister Cassidy Tuttle as secretary.

They are very eager to learn each of our names, though this will take some time! We (each sister) all stood and said our name and favorite treat. Then a basket of candy went around the room to satisfy our cravings after hearing about 30 different desserts :) We all have something in common - we like treats (even though many of us like different kinds of food - sweet, salty, even avacados was mentioned). 

Lacee and Shelley gave their testimonies.

This is what Lacee would like to share with you: "The lesson today was on the RS motto and theme. Therein are some amazing statements that teach us to be a little better and a little kinder. To work a little more steadily. I just wanted to bear my testimony that as we strive each day to do these things, no matter how small. The Lord helps our worldliness drop off piece by piece. If we choose to let go of things that hold us back or bring us down. That is when we truly become converted. It is just as the man in the scriptures when he asks Jesus Christ "help though my unbelief" we all have things that we have a hard time believing but the savior can help us if we choose to let him. Let us all learn to serve and help each other as we know we should. In order to be unified we need to start by knowing people's names, then visiting them and saying hello to them in the store. Lets start on this journey together, I know we can do it, if we all strive to do it together."

Shelly would like to share this with you: 

"Because of His love for us, Heavenly Father teaches us how to be happy. He then provides a way for us to do what he has asked of us. The same is true for us now as it was for those of old. We can choose to follow Him so we can be happy. Jesus Christ is our Savior. He is the way. He loves each of us. And so He teaches us. Heavenly Father has provided for our success. Through being involved in the Church and seeking the fellowship and strengthening of each other, His spirit will increase in our lives and we will be strengthened. There are means provided in the Church to help us keep the commandments. As we do so, we are strengthened to overcome our challenges. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I say that in His holy name, even Jesus Christ, Amen."

We then broke out into groups to talk about some of the purposes and blessings of Relief Society which are listed on this book mark we all recieved:

We also got the following bookmark:

If you doubt the potential strength and value of RS in your life, try reading this talk by sister Sylvia Allred, first counselor in the General RS Presidency. You can also ask those you love who have been in RS for many years how they have seen their lives blessed for being a part of RS.

Although Young Womens was a good place to be when we were girls, now as women we are blessed as we stick together and love each other. Meeting together as sisters has been a wonderful blessing in my life and has strengthened my testimony greatly. If we did not see you this week in RS, we want to see you next week - come be happy together with us!

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