
Monday, January 28, 2013

January 27 Notes

Stats of who makes and keeps resolutions:

45% of Americans make resolution
75% have kept the resolution after week one
65% have kept the resolution until feb 1st
45% have kept the resolution after six months
12% achieve goal at the end

  9 tips keeping your spiritual resolutions

1. Fuel your energy
 -Being prepared for goal
2.  Choose wisely
 -Achievable , meaning and enjoyable, begin with the end in mind 
3. Be specific
-Small steps. Everyday goals to reach larger goals but not too many. 
4. Start small
 -Keep your schedule in mind and your capability. Don't be too hard on yourself.  Small goal and then make a room to be able to excel to be able to Go above and beyond
5. Make a plan
-Create steps: breaking it down make and make it measurable so you can track progress and feel successes. 
6. Reward yourself 
-acknowledge your successes.  Relate reward to goal
7. Be accountable
-Do your goal with someone or tell people about it 
8. visualize it
-If you can say it and see it then you can do it. Surrounding yourself with positive thing to help with your goal
9. Believe you can change
-Believe that you can achieve your goals. 

Let yourself be happy! Be happy in this moment. Continue to improve and don't wait to be happy until you achieve your goals.