
Monday, September 28, 2015

We'll Ascend Together

This week's lesson focused on marriage and family, specifically as discussed in Linda K. Burton's talk from the April 2015 General Conference. The lesson started out with a few quotes from general authorities about their spouses:

President Boyd K. Packer about his wife, Donna: "Because of the office I hold, I have a solemn obligation to tell the truth: She's perfect."

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf about his wife, Harriet: "She is the sunshine of my life."

President Henry B. Eyring about his wife, Kathleen: "She is a person who has always made my want to be the very best that I can be."

President Monson about his wife, Frances: "She was the love of my life, my trusted confidant, and my closest friend. To say that I miss her does not begin to convey the depth of my feelings."

We discussed ways that husbands and wives can help support and lift each other. Wives can encourage their husbands to exercise the priesthood, to be a spiritual leader in the home, to do their home teaching, to fulfill their calling, to attend the temple, and to set and keep individual and family goals. Kim emphasized that wives and husbands have complementary roles, that they COMPLETE each other rather than COMPETE with each other. Together as a unit, we can accomplish far more than as separate individuals.

We wrote down the answers to these five questions:

1. When was the last time I sincerely praised my companions, either alone or in the presence of our children?

2. When was the last time I thanked, expressed love for, or earnestly pleaded in faith for him or her in prayer?

3. When was the last time I stopped myself from saying something I knew could be hurtful?

4. When was the last time I apologized and humbly asked for forgiveness--without adding the words "but if only you had" or "but if only you hadn't?"

5. When was the last time I chose to happy rather than demanding to be right?

After some reflection, Kim had us write down five things we love about our spouse. Then we went around the room and shared one thing. That was a really tender moment, to hear everyone express what they love about their husbands. I am grateful for this lesson and the reflection time we had. It helped me realize what I can do better to lift my husband and be more united with him. I highly recommend reading the original talk if you haven't; it has some great counsel about how husbands and wives can help each other become the people that the Lord wants us to become.