She shared the quote from Elder Neilsen's talk:Hastening the Lord's Game Plan:
Several years ago I needed to speak to the wife of one of the bishops in our stake, so I called their home. A young son answered the phone. I said, “Hello. Is your mother there?”
His reply: “Yes, she is. I’ll get her. Who is this?”
My response: “Tell her it’s President Nielsen.”
There was a short pause, and then, in a very animated voice, I heard, “Hey, Mom, President Hinckley’s on the phone!”
I can’t imagine what she must have been thinking. It had to be the longest walk to the phone she ever had. The thought did cross my mind: “Should I?” I didn’t, but we had quite a laugh. Now that I think about it, she must have been so disappointed just talking to me.
What would you do if the prophet of the Lord really called you? Well, he has! President Thomas S. Monson, as he did once again this morning, has called each one of us to a very important work. He said, “Now is the time for members and missionaries to come together, to work together, to labor in the Lord’s vineyard to bring souls unto Him”
Missionary work is often seen as an overwhelming calling we receive as members of the church. But it can be easily simplified.
Missionary Work has two parts.
1. The first part is the missionary. I want you to think of your favorite treat. Mine is chocolate cake. As a missionary it is our job to see the gospel as our favorite treat. If you do not feel this way then now is the time to work on your personal testimony.
2. Once we see the gospel as the gift (treat) it is then we focus on the second part, work. The work is inviting other to share in the special treat that we have. If you truly love and appreciate something you want others to know about it and enjoy it too.
It is our stewardship to share what we have and know to be true. Only by being bold will we see the lord helping us to share our most personal thoughts and testimonies.
We urge you to look for opportunities to share God's love this week and post comments about your stories so we can share them here on the blog!
xo your relief society sister